Growing in Messiah

Praying for Leadership

I really enjoy writing about subjects that I am working through or topics that I am currently dealing with. Prayer is absolutely one of those things that I keep coming back to and continue to wrestle with. I know it is something I will never perfect but I also know that I need to keep going, keep trying and never give up on.

Lately, one type of prayer has been the hardest to commit to and the one that I never seem to get around to. What kind of prayer is it?

Praying for our leaders

What kind of leaders need our prayers? And what should we be praying for them?

It’s a big topic, and not all leaders are on the same playing field in my opinion. Praying for my spiritual leaders comes very easily. Knowing that I am praying for another believer has a sense of assurance in it, that no matter what happens the hand of the Lord is guiding them or helping them learn or grow in some way befitting to His will.

Praying for political leaders? That’s a whole other ballgame.

Sometimes nothing feels as odd and impersonal as praying for the government leaders in our country. I don’t know any of them personally, and since so many of them aren’t living for the Lord I find praying for them to be a challenge.

Why should I pray for someone like a politician in my city/state/country?

“I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and come to the knowledge of truth.” 1 Timothy 2:1-4

Not only do the rulers and governors need salvation just as much as we do, but it benefits the Christian community to be people of prayer actively working on behalf of God’s will for His people.

How should we pray?

These letters were written at a time of hostility and persecution for Christians by the ruling government. Knowing that fulfilling your Christian duty of sharing the gospel could be met with a death sentence is something few of us in the western world can imagine, but persecution is something we probably can relate to.

Praying for Christians everywhere and their safety and wellbeing is important and leaders can greatly impact this. It is a disservice to both our communities and the body of the church if we neglect praying for our leadership. I think that during such a politically significant moment in time our leaders and our country need prayer, and the gospel, more than ever.

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Photo by Miguel Henriques

1 thought on “Praying for Leadership”

  1. But, Lacacia, how am I expected to pray for them while I continue to talk and write so negatively about the politicians? Isn’t that asking a bit too much of me? (smile)

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