Growing in Messiah

Being Scared of Losing Control

The current feal of our times might be described as uneasy. First Covid19 hits the world and people go into lockdown. This has affected everyone in one way or another. People are scared of losing their jobs, not being able to feed their families, pay rent, or get the normal supplies they need for their household.

Currently, the state I live in has an unemployment rate of 15.4% which is a record and means hundreds of thousands of people are out of work.

If that wasn’t enough, protests have exploded around the world over George Floyd and the senseless killing of this man. Looting and violence have erupted pushing many (including friends and family I know) towards nervous breakdowns.

It’s natural to have fears. I have wondered if my paychecks will suddenly stop or how I will pay my bills if things get worst. There is a sense that we are losing control.

Have We Lost Control?

The fact is, we never had control. As believers, we should see this as a perfect opportunity to spread the Gospel with those around us. No matter what may be going on around me, I am not in control, God is. We can rest easy in the fact that:

we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8.28 ESV)

I completely understand this is easier said than done. Sitting back and allowing the Lord to govern our lives is something most of us are not accustomed to. We go to work, make money, feed the family, go to Church on Sunday. We have become comfortable in thinking we are in control.

Paul and Silas

This past week I have been preparing to teach on Acts 16. Paul heals a slave-girl from demons and her owners are not happy. They take Paul and Silas to the magistrates who don’t give them a fair trial but publicly beat them and throw them into prison. What is Paul and Silas’ response?

About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them, (Acts 16.25 ESV)

I have heard stories of grown men crying for their mothers when they go to modern prisons. Even if it wasn’t that bad, I can guarantee that my first reaction to being beaten and thrown into prison would most likely not be singing hymns, prayer and praising the Lord. I would most likely ball up in a corner and cry.

This story is powerful because the entire chapter of Acts 16 is leading to one specific event. The salvation of the jailer and his family. Paul had to get annoyed with the demon, they had to be beaten without trial, they had to be thrown in prison, they had to be good witnesses, and God had to make the earthquake.

This was all so that one of God’s elect would not be lost. How many of us would have been singing hymns and praying after a day like that? How many of us are praising the Lord today? As believers we always need to remember that:

This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalms 118.24 ESV)

We are not in control but God is. What may look like a very scary situation to you may be God’s work to bring one of His elect into the fold.

The LORD is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me? (Psalms 118.6 ESV)

Remember that the Lord could use you and this time to reach some of His lost. Remember that the Lord loves you, remember He is by your side at all times. Remember that God is in control.


Photo by Kat Jayne

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