Growing in Messiah

Teach my kids

“I’m Not Equipped to Teach my Kids the Bible”

One of the greatest privileges of the Christian parent is passing on the torch of faith to the next generation of believers. As parents, we are uniquely charged with the work of spreading the gospel and making disciples for the Kingdom of God, and that work begins in our homes. Children have a natural inclination to ask questions and want to know everything about the world around them. And the very best place to begin is with the Bible.

One problem that just about every Christian parent of young children encounters is the fear that they aren’t qualified to teach the Bible to their children. The broad scope of knowledge needed to be well-versed and competent in Biblical education seems daunting, and both Bible teachers and non-Bible teachers alike spend years in school training to teach effectively. 

So what makes parents any different? Wouldn’t a lack of training disqualify the average parent from teaching their children about the Scriptures?

Thankfully, the Bible never asks anyone to be perfect in order to share God’s Word. We just need to know how to point back to the One who is. 

Our first step

Our first step to launch a home study of the Bible should always begin with prayer. Of all the tools we have as Christians and as parents, prayer is the foremost foundational practice that we should be engaged in. We have developed a few worksheets to help you get started if you aren’t already regularly praying. The best way to eliminate any fear, hesitation or procrastination of making the Scriptures a daily habit is simply to pray about it. Pray that the Lord will lead your study, open your hearts to His message, and help lead you and your family to a routine of time spent together in His Word. 


Second, we need to lead by example. “Training up” our children in this world that God created and growing into our place in it shouldn’t be something we shy away from. If we love God, and love his Word, our kids will pick up on that and hopefully imitate us. Keeping regular readings from the Word as the anchor for our day is something children should learn from a young age. If kids see their parents reading the Bible then it becomes a natural part of that child’s life and as the Proverb says, “even when he is old he will not depart from it.” (22:6) Your kids might not remember what you read yesterday, or a week ago, or last month- but the tiny seed of this practice can grow into a mighty tree of faith.

And while both mothers and fathers are called to disciple their children, the Scriptures are clear that husbands are to lead their homes and guide the family in matters of faith (Deut. 6:7, 1Cor. 11:3, Eph. 5:23-25, Col, 3:19, 1Tim. 2:11-15, 1Peter 3:7). Fathers are responsible for the spiritual health and heartbeat of the house, and modeling a life of faith and healthy spiritual practices begins with dad. 


Third, understand that it is not your job to “make” your children into believers. Faith is a gift and the transformation from unbeliever to Christ-follower is solely worked by the Holy Spirit. Your job is to love God and keep his commandments. When kids see how much their parents love the Lord they will want to follow your lead. We are to impart a knowledge of God, and this is where parents can have a lot of fun with their kids. One habit our kids have picked up incredibly well is singing. Our kids will sing anywhere we go and they sing songs and hymns proudly and without hesitation. When we make any verse, fact or Bible story into a song, they sing it- on their own- and they love it! 

Finally, take comfort in the fact that the Lord is the one who softens the heart. We can give our children all the truth in the world but it is the Holy Spirit that will turn the heart to Him.

Photo by Hana El Zohiry

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