Meet Our Family
Welcome to our site. My name is Lacacia and this is my husband Caleb. We were married in 2011 and our family began to grow. We realized that the Lord was teaching us some important lessons. We wished that we could find resources on raising children and families from believers our age. In 2018, Growing in Messiah began after we saw a need for practical resources for Christians to use in their daily spiritual life. It is our goal to give resources to parents to raise godly families that glorify the Lord Jesus Christ.
Caleb & Lacacia

From Caleb Hegg
Fatherhood Doesn't Come With a Manual... Or Does it?
Nothing compares to the thrill and terror of caring for your first baby. I had no idea what I was doing or how to take care of a child. I remember the overwhelming feeling of how unprepared I was as the nurses handed me our first son ten years ago after he was born, without a manual.
Now I realize that in all reality, we do have a manual to become fathers. It's 66 books in total and is the foundation of our personal, family, and community life. The Bible is the manual for being a good husband, an exceptional father, and a spiritual leader in our home and Church.
Men need help and encouragement. No one is going to be able to tell you exactly how you should lead your family and run your house except Christ. And whether you're a father, husband, or a single man, it is my goal to give you helpful resources to focus your home on Jesus and be the man that God calls you to be.
Ten years ago, if you had told me I’d be a pastor’s wife, I wouldn’t believe you.
Caleb and I met in 2003 and stayed friends for five years before we started dating. We were both enjoying our twenties and not walking with the Lord in any significant way. When he proposed to me in 2011, I was sure he was the right man for me, and I was happy to live a more righteous life with him, start a family with him, and build a life together.
We welcomed our first child, Benjamin, the following year. It was a huge shock for me to go from living my life on my own terms- fiercely defiant of any dependence on anyone and valuing my personal freedom above anything else- and watching “my life” end immediately as he was born. I was depressed and felt totally isolated from everyone, surrounded by wonderful, cute gifts and sweet cards congratulating us. It was disorienting for me to become a mother. I was alone, with a little newborn, and had no idea what I was doing.
Thankfully, I had married into a very strong Christian community filled with supportive mothers and grandmothers, and lots of children. In the years that followed, I realized that in living my life on my own terms meant rejecting any type of conventional religious worship or community membership. I was pridefully robbing myself of any spiritual progress, and I was diminishing one of the most valuable things in creation: the body of the Church. One of the greatest gifts that God gives believers is other believers.
This is a mistake that I see many people making today, and it fuels our desire through Growing in Messiah to reconnect Christians into lifelong, meaningful communities both where they can be nourished spiritually as well as serve others faithfully as we are commanded to.
In 2014, I was baptized by my husband. To this day, I still tear up happily remembering how meaningful that was for both of us. Day by day, Caleb and I grew in our walk with God as we grew our family, and it is by God’s grace that we were able to branch out from our original community to serve a new group of people: Sabbath keeping Christians.
Through Growing in Messiah our goal is to encourage believers to grow in their daily walk with the Lord. Caleb and I are now working to develop an extensive library of resources to assist Christians who want to make their relationship with God significant. We have personally experienced the life-changing power of adopting a routine of personal prayer time, regular Bible reading and weekly physical attendance in Bible-based community with other believers.
Caleb and I will be celebrating our tenth wedding anniversary this summer, and the Lord has led us through blessings and trials each year together. Growing a community is the most fulfilling work I’ve ever done, and God has blessed us immeasurably to help Christians and grow alongside them.

Why we Launched Growing in Messiah?
Growing in Messiah is a place where we share resources for parents to be built up in their personal walk with the Lord. Beyond this, we want to provide materials for leading children in their theological upbringing and support parents as they raise children in the faith.
We are excited that our community is growing and that parents and families are able to connect and share ideas on homeschooling and biblical living. We hope you will join us on this amazing journey.
Latest Blog
We've created great content about family and faith!
We try to blog several times a month and discuss everything from theological issues to trying to keep a schedule with kids.
How Parents can Make Personal Devotions a Priority
As a husband and parent of four, I am always looking for more time. It…
Three Things to Consider Before Baptizing Your Child
When our Son Ben started asking if he could be baptized I didn’t quite know…
“I’m Not Equipped to Teach my Kids the Bible”
One of the greatest privileges of the Christian parent is passing on the torch of…